
Q1. The gas used in the fuel cells for generating the electrical energy which has many advantages over the conventional
fossil fuels and electric power is:

  1. Cl2
  2. He
  3. N2
  4. H2
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Ans: 4.H2

Q2. Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Elements of group 15 form electron deficient hydrides.
  2. All elements of group 14 form electron precise hydrides.
  3. Electron precise hydrides have tetrahedral geometries.
  4. Electron rich hydrides can act as Lewis acids.
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Ans: 2. All elements of group 14 form electron precise hydrides.

3.Electron-precise hydrides have tetrahedral geometries.

  • Explanation:
    Electron precise hydrides have the requied number of electrons to write their conventional Lewis structures. All elements of group 14 form
    such compounds (e.g., CH ) which are tetrahedral in geometry.

Q3. Which of the following isotopes of hydrogen is radioactive?

  1. Protium
  2. Deuterium
  3. Tritium
  4. Ortho and para hydrogens
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Ans: 3. Tritium

Q4. Which of the following is not the use of H2O2 in environmental chemistry?

  1. In pollution control treatment of domestic effluents.
  2. Restoration of aerobic conditions to sewage wastes.
  3. Oxidation of cyanide.
  4. In the synthesis of hydroquinone.
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Ans: 1. It can act only as an oxidizing agent.

Q5. From the following statements regarding H O , choose the incorrect statement:

  1. It can act only as an oxidising agent.
  2. It decompose on exposure to light.
  3. It has to be stored in plastic or wax lined glass bottles in dark.
  4. It has to be kept away from dust.
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Ans: 1. It can act only as an oxidising agent.

Q6. Hydrogenation of vegetable oils using nickel as a catalyst gives edible fat which is:

  1. coconut oil.
  2. soyabean oil.
  3. margarine and vanaspati ghee.
  4. peanut oil.
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Ans: 3. margarine and vanaspati ghee.

Q7. When electric current is passed through an ionic hydride in the molten state:

  1. Hydrogen is liberated at the anode.
  2. Hydrogen is liberated at the cathode.
  3. No reaction takes place.
  4. Hydride ion migrates towards cathode.
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Ans: 1. Hydrogen is liberated at the anode.

Q8. Hydrogen peroxide is obtained by ‘the electrolysis of _.

  1. Water
  2. Sulphuric acid.
  3. Hydrochloric acid.
  4. Fused sodium peroxide.
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Ans: 2. Sulphuric acid.

Hydrogen peroxide is obtained by electrolysis of sulphuric acid.

Q9. The chemical behaviour and relative inertness of dihydrogen at room temperature depends upon:

  1. H-H bond dissociation enthalpy.
  2. Ionisation enthalpy.
  3. Enthalpy of fusion.
  4. Enthalpy of vaporisation.
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Ans: 4. H-H bond dissociation enthalpy.

Q10. H2O2 is sold in market as an antiseptic. The name of this antiseptic is:

  1. Hydrol.
  2. Perhydrol.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide.
  4. All of the above.
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Ans: 2. Perhydrol.

Q11. Which of the following reactions is incorrect?

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Q12. Some of the properties of water are described below. Which of them is/ are not correct?

  1. Water is known to be universal solvent.
  2. Hydrogen bonding is present to a large extent in liquid water.
  3. There is no hydrogen bonding in the frozen state of water.
  4. Frozen water is heavier than liquid water.
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Ans: 3. There is no hydrogen bonding in the frozen state of water.

  • 4. Frozen water is heavier than liquid water.
  • Explanation:
    There is extensive hydrogen bonding in ice. Ice is lighter than water due to empty spaces present in tetrahedrons formed by hydrogen

Q13. The reagent commonly used to determine hardness of water volumeterically (titrimetrically) is:

  1. Oxalic acid.
  2. Disodium salt of EDTA.
  3. Sodium citrate.
  4. Sodium thiosulphate.
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Ans: 4. Sodium thiosulphate.

EDTA is used for estimating Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in hard water

Q14. A water sample is said to contain permanent hardness if water contains:

  1. Sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium.
  2. Carbonates of calcium and magnesium.
  3. Bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium.
  4. Culphates and chlorides of sodium and potassium.
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Ans: 1. Sulphates and chlorides of calcium and magnesium.

Q15. Which of the following metal and acid are used to prepare dihydrogen respectively?

  1. Crystalline zinc with dil. HCI
  2. Granulated zinc with dil. HCI
  3. Granulated zinc with conc. HCI
  4. Crystalline zinc with conc. HCI
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Ans: 2. Granulated zinc with dil. HCI

Q16. In nuclear reactors, ordinary water is not used as a moderator because:

  1. It cannot slow down the fast moving neutrons.
  2. It cannot remove the heat from the reactor core.
  3. It has corrosive action on the metallic parts of the nuclear reactor.
  4. None of the above.
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Ans: 4. None of the above.

Q17. Watergas is produced by:

  1. C(red hot) + H2O Steam.
  2. Steam + air over red hot coke.
  3. Burning coke in limited supply of air.
  4. both (a) and (b).
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Ans: 1. C(red hot) + H2O Steam.


C(s) + H2O steam CO + H2

Q17. The number of proton and electron in atomic form of hydrogen respectively are:

  1. 2 and 1
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 1 and 1
  4. 2 and 2
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Ans: 3. 1 and 1

Q18. Which of the following statements regarding protium, deuterium and tritium is not correct?

  1. They are isotopes of hydrogen.
  2. They have similar electronic configurations.
  3. They exist in the nature in the ratio of 1:2:3
  4. Their atomic masses are in the ratio of 1:2:3
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Ans: 3. They exist in the nature in the ratio of 1:2:3

Q19. Only one element of forms hydride.

  1. Group 6
  2. Group 7
  3. Group 8
  4. Group 9
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Ans: 1. Group 6

Only one element chromium from group 6 forms hydride, (CrH).

Q20. Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Hydrides of group 13 act as Lewis acids.
  2. Hydrides of group 14 are electron deficient hydrides.
  3. Hydrides of group 14 act as Lewis acids.
  4. Hydrides of group 15 act as Lewis bases.
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Ans: 1. Hydrides of group 13 act as Lewis acids.

  • 2. Hydrides of group 15 act as Lewis bases.


All elements of group 13 will form electron deficient compounds which acts as Lewis acids.
All elements of group 14 will form electron precise compounds.
Electron rich hydrides have excess electrons which are present as lone pairs.
Elements of group 15-17 form such compounds. NH has one lone pair, H O has two lone pairs and HF has three lone pairs, and so these
compounds act as Lewis bases.

Q21. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct in the case of heavy water?

  1. Heavy water is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor.
  2. Heavy water is more effective as solvent than ordinary water.
  3. Heavy water is more associated than ordinary water.
  4. Heavy water has lower boiling point than ordinary water.
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Ans: 1. Heavy water is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors.

  1. Heavy water is more associated than ordinary water.

Heavy water is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor and is more associated than ordinary water.

Q22. Hydrogen peroxide is _.

  1. An oxidizing agent.
  2. A reducing agent.
  3. Both an oxidizing and a reducing agent.
  4. Neither oxidizing nor reducing agent.
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Ans: 3. Both an oxidizing and a reducing agent.
H2O2 acts both as oxidizing and reducing agent.

Q23. What are the percentages of water present in human body and plants, respectively?

  1. 95 and 65
  2. 65 and 95
  3. 90 and 70
  4. 30 and 70
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Ans: 2. 65 and 95
The major part of all living organisms is made up of water. Human body has about 65% and some plants have as much as 95% water.

Q24. Dihydrogen is prepared by the reaction of Zn with (aq) NaOH. Which of the following compounds is produced with
dihydrogen during the reaction?

  1. Zinc oxides.
  2. Zinc hydroxide.
  3. Sodium zincate.
  4. None of these.
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Ans: 3. Sodium zincate.

Q25. Which of the following statements are not true for hydrogen?

  1. It exists as diatomic molecule.
  2. It has one electron in the outermost shell.
  3. It can lose an electron to form a cation which can freely exist.
  4. It forms a large number of ionic compounds by losing an electron
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Ans: 3. It can lose an electron to form a cation which can freely exist.

  • 4. It forms a large number of ionic compounds by losing an electron.
  • Explanation:
    It can lose an electron to form a cation which cannot freely exist.
    Generally, it does not form ionic compounds by losing an electron but forms a large number of covalent compounds by sharing electrons

Q26. Which of the following statements is/are correct about fuel cells?

  1. They are more efficient.
  2. They are pollution free.
  3. They run till reactants are active.
  4. All of the above.
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Ans: 4. All of the above.

Q27. The metal which gives H with dil acid as well as NaOH is.

  1. Fe
  2. Cu
  3. Zn
  4. Ni
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Ans: 3. Zn.

Q28. When sodium peroxide is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, we get.

  1. Sodium sulphate and water.
  2. Sodium sulphate and oxygen.
  3. Sodium sulphate, hydrogen and oxygen.
  4. Sodium sulphate and hydrogen peroxide.
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Ans: 4. Sodium sulphate and hydrogen peroxide.

Q29. Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of:

  1. Calcium and magnesium chlorides.
  2. Calcium and magnesium sulphates.
  3. Calcium and magnesium phosphate.
  4. Calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonates.
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Ans: 4. Calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonates.
Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonates.

Q30. Calgon is used as water softening agent because it:

  1. Forms soluble complexes with cationic species.
  2. Frms soluble complexes with anionic species.
  3. Forms soluble complexes with both cationic and anionic species.
  4. Forms precipitate with cation species.
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Ans: 1. Forms soluble complexes with cationic species.