Neural Control and Coordination

Q1. Respiratory centre is situated in:

  1. Cerebellum.
  2. Medulla oblongata.
  3. Hypothalamus.
  4. Cerebrum.
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Ans: 2. Medulla oblongata.

Q2. A bipolar neuron has:

  1. Two axons and one dendrite.
  2. Two dendrites and one axon.
  3. Two axons and two dendrites.
  4. One axon and one dendrite.
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Ans: 4. One axon and one dendrite.

Q3. Mark the vitamin present in Rhodopsin:

  1. Vit A.
  2. Vit B.
  3. Vit C.
  4. Vit D.
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Ans: 1. Vit A.

The rods contain a purplish red protein called the rhodopsin. It is a photosensitive compound in eye that is composed of opsin (a
protein) and retinal (an aldehyde of vitamin-A), whereas vitamin-B, C and D not directly related with vision.

Q4. In human brain, the centre for smell, is located in:

  1. Mid brain.
  2. Olfactory lobes.
  3. Medulla.
  4. Cerebellum.
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Ans: 2. Olfactory lobes.

Q5. During resting state, fluid outside axon contains.

  1. Low concentration of K+
  2. Low concentration of Na+
  3. Low concentration of Cl
  4. High concentration of Cl
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Ans: 1. low concentration of K+

During resting state (when neuron is not conducting any impulse), axoplasm inside the axon contains high concentration of K
The fluid outside axon contains low concentration of K+

Q6. Characteristic feature of human cornea is that:

  1. It is secreted by conjunctiva and glandular tissue.
  2. It is lacrimal gland which secretes tears.
  3. Blood circulation is absent in cornea.
  4. In old age it become hard and white layer deposits on it which causes the cataract.
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Ans: 3. Blood circulation is absent in cornea.

Q7. Select the correct statement from the ones given below.

  1. Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it stimulates recovery.
  2. Barbiturates when given to criminals make them tell the truth.
  3. Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer.
  4. Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate.
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Ans: 3. Morphine is often given to persons who have undergone surgery as a pain killer.

Q8. Injury to vagus nerve in human is not likely to affect.

  1. Tongue movements.
  2. Gastrointestinal movements.
  3. Pancreatic secretion.
  4. Cardiac movements.
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Ans: 1. Tongue movements.

Q9. The region of the vertebrate eye, where the optic nerve passes out of the retina, is called the,

  1. Fovea
  2. Iris
  3. Blind spot
  4. Optic chaisma
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Ans: 3. Blind spot

Blind spot is the part where the optic nerve passes out of the retina. Photoreceptors are absent from this region.

Q10. At a neuromuscular junction, synaptic vesicles discharge __.

  1. Acetylcholine.
  2. Epinephrine.
  3. Adrenaline.
  4. None of these.
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Ans: 1. Acetylcholine.

Q11. Which layer is in contact with brain tissues?

  1. Piamater.
  2. Arachnoid.
  3. Duramater.
  4. Piamater and Arachnoid.
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Ans: 1. Piamater.

Brain is covered by cranial meninges.

  1. Duramater (outer)
  2. Arachnoid (middle)
  3. Piamater (inner)- in contact with brain tissues)

Q12. What is the name of the node between two myelin sheaths?

  1. Nissl’s Granules.
  2. Schwan Cell.
  3. Nodes of Ranvier.
  4. None of these.
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Ans: 3. Nodes of Ranvier.

Q13. Ivan Pavlov performed experiments on:

  1. Simple reflexes.
  2. Conditioned reflexes.
  3. Cardiac reflexes.
  4. Origin of life.
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Ans: 2. Conditioned reflexes.

Q14. The organ of corti is a structure present in:

  1. External ear.
  2. Middle ear.
  3. Semi circular canal.
  4. Cochlea.
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Ans: 4. Cochlea.

Organ of corti are present on the sensory ridge of basilar membrane of cochlea. Hair cells which act as
auditory receptors are present in organ of corti.

Q15. Which of the following is true about chemical synapse?

  1. There is gap between membranes of two axons.
  2. There is lesser gap between membranes of two axons.
  3. Chemical synapse is primarily responsible for the action of parasympathetic neural system.
  4. Chemical synapse is primarily responsible for the action of sympathetic neural system.
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Ans: 2. There is lesser gap between membranes of two axons.

Q16. In human cochlea, the scala vestibuli and scala media are separated by:

  1. Basilar membrane.
  2. Reissner’s membrane.
  3. Otolith membrane.
  4. Tectorial membrane.
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Ans: 2. Reissner’s membrane.

Q17. Which one of the following statements is correct?

  1. Neurons regulate endocrine activity, but not vice versa.
  2. Endocrine glands regulate neural activity and nervous system regulates endocrine glands.
  3. Neither hormones control neural activity nor the neurons control endocrine activity.
  4. Endocrine glands regulate neural activity, but not vice versa.
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Ans: 1. Neurons regulate endocrine activity, but not vice versa.

Q18. Which is right combination of names of ear ossicles?

  1. Malleus, incus and cochlus.
  2. Malleus, incus and stapes.
  3. Magnus, incus and stapes.
  4. Malleus, incus and cochlea.
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Ans: 2. Malleus, incus and stapes.

Q19. Bowman’s glands are found in:

  1. Olfactory epithelium.
  2. External auditory canal.
  3. Cortical nephrons only.
  4. Juxtamedullary nephrons.
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Ans: 1. Olfactory epithelium.

Q20. Afferent nerve fibres carry impulses from:

  1. Effector organs to CNS.
  2. Receptors to CNS.
  3. CNS to receptors.
  4. CNS to muscles.
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Ans: 2. Receptors to CNS.

Q21. Which one of the following not act as a neurotransmitter?

  1. Acetylcholine
  2. Epinephrine
  3. Norepinephrine
  4. Cortisone
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Ans: 4. Cortisone

Q22. When a neuron is in resting state i.e. not conducting any impulse, the axonal membrane is:

  1. Comparatively more permeable to K ions and nearly impermeable to Na ions.
  2. Comparatively more permeable to Na ions and nearly impermeable to K ions.
  3. Equally permeable to both Na and K ions.
  4. Impermeable to both Na and K ions.
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Ans: 1. Comparatively more permeable to K ions and nearly impermeable to Na ions.

Q23. Find the odd one.

  1. Schwann cells.
  2. Nissl s granules.
  3. Nephrons.
  4. Synaptic knob.
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Ans: 3. Nephrons.
Schwann cells, Nissl s granules and synaptic knobs are the parts of neurons.

Q24. Retina is most sensitive at:

  1. Optic disc.
  2. Periphery.
  3. Macula lutea.
  4. Fovea centralis.
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Ans: 4. Fovea centralis.

Q25. In a man, abducens nerve is injured. Which one of the following functions will be affected?

  1. Movement of the eye ball.
  2. Swallowing.
  3. Movement of the tongue.
  4. Movement of the neck.
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Ans: 1. Movement of the eye ball.

Q26. Which of the following nerves is the largest of all the cranial nerves?

  1. Abducens nerve.
  2. Oculomotor nerve.
  3. Olfactory nerve.
  4. Trigeminal nerve.
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Ans: 4. Trigeminal nerve.

Q27. Arbor vitae is composed of:

  1. Neuroglea cells.
  2. White matter.
  3. Grey matter.
  4. All of these.
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Ans: 2. White matter.

Q28. Among which one of the following groups of chemicals, all are neurotransmitters?

  1. Noradrenaline, somatostatin, threonine.
  2. Somatostatin, serotonin, acetylcholine.
  3. Glycine, dopamine, melatonin.
  4. Acetylcholine, noradrenaline, dopamine.
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Ans: 4. Acetylcholine, noradrenaline, dopamine.

Q29. In the chemistry of vision in mammals, the photosensitive substance is called.

  1. Sclerotin
  2. Retinal
  3. Rhodopsin
  4. Interneurons.
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Ans: 3. Rhodopsin

Q30. Which of the following is not involved in Knee-jerk reflex?

  1. Muscle spindle.
  2. Motor neuron.
  3. Brain.
  4. Interneurons.
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Ans: 3. Brain.
Knee-jerk reaction is controlled at the level of nerve cord.