Environmental Chemistry

Q1. Why water is the better solvent medium for most of the synthetic chemical reaction?

  1. Use of water is low in cost.
  2. It devoids of any carcinogenic effects.
  3. Water has high specific heat capacity.
  4. All of the above.
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Ans: 4. All of the above.

Q2. Which region of atmosphere has human beings along with other organisms?

  1. Stratosphere.
  2. Troposphere.
  3. Hydrosphere.
  4. Mesosphere.
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Ans: 2. Troposphere.
The lowest region of atmosphere in which the human beings along with other organisms live is called troposphere.

Q3. Which of the following chemical has more toxic effect when used for the purpose of dry cleaning of clothes?

  1. Tetrachloroethene.
  2. H2O2 .
  3. Liquefied CO2 with suitable detergents.
  4. None of the above.
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Ans: 1. Tetrachloroethene.

Q4. The consequences of global warming may be _.

  1. Increase in average temperature of the earth.
  2. Melting of Himalayan Glaciers.
  3. Increased biochemical oxygen demand.
  4. Eutrophication.
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Ans: 1. Increase in average temperature of the earth.

  1. Melting of Himalayan Glaciers.


The rate at which solar radiation is reaching the earth is constant but the amount of CO2 in the air is increasing. Consequently, the
heat radiated back to the earth will increase and the temperature of the earth surface will also increase. This increase in temperature
will disturb the thermal balance on the earth and could cause glacier and ice caps to melt.

Q5. When herbicides and insecticides travel through air, they readily form:

  1. Smoke.
  2. Dust.
  3. Mist.
  4. All of these.
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Ans: 3. Mist.
Herbicides and insecticides that miss their targets and travel through air and form mists.

Q6. Which of the following conditions shows the polluted environment.

  1. pH of rain water is 5.6.
  2. Amount of carbondioxide in the atmosphere is 0.03%.
  3. Biochemical oxygen demand 10 ppm.
  4. Eutrophication.
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3. Biochemical oxygen demand 10 ppm.

  1. Eutrophication.

Q7. Phosphate containing fertilizers cause water pollution. Addition of such compounds in water bodies causes

  1. Enhanced growth of algae.
  2. Decrease in amount of dissolved oxygen in water.
  3. Deposition of calcium phosphate.
  4. Increase in fish population.
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1. Enhanced growth of algae.

  1. Decrease in amount of dissolved oxygen in water.
    • Explanation:
      Fertilizers containing phosphate present in water help in the excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae. Micro-organisms which
      decompose these plants consume oxygen. As a result, the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water decreases.

Q8. Which branch of chemistry is a cost effective approach which involves reduction in material, energy consumption
and waste generation?

  1. Environmental chemistry.
  2. Green chemistry.
  3. Organic chemistry.
  4. Biochemistry.
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Ans: 2. Green chemistry.

Q9. Which of the following is/ are correct method to produce electricity from garbage?

  1. Garbage is burnt in open air.
  2. Garbage is cultured with bacteria and produce methane.
  3. Garbage is put in a electrolytic cell.
  4. Both (b) and (c).
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Ans: 2. Garbage is cultured with bacteria and produce methane.

To produce electricity, garbage is mixed with water and then it is cultured with bacteria for producing methane, commonly known as
biogas. The remaining product is used as manure (compost) and biogas is used to produce electricity.

Q10. Green chemistry involves:

  1. Minimum pollution or deterioration to the environment.
  2. Reduction of exploitation of natural resources.
  3. To store solar energy as plants do.
  4. To study the reactions in plants.
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Ans: 1. Minimum pollution or deterioration to the environment.

Green chemistry is a production process that would bring about minimum pollution or deterioration to the environment, i.e.
“reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production”.

Q11. “Reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production”. This represents a great step forward for:

  1. Green revolution.
  2. Green chemistry.
  3. Industrial revolution.
  4. Green biotechnology.
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Ans: 2. Green chemistry.

Q12. Non-viable particulates are classified on the basis of:

  1. Nature of particles.
  2. Size of particles.
  3. Composition of particles.
  4. Both (a) and (b).
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Ans: 4. Both (a) and (b).

Q13. Pollutants, which are slowly degradable and remain in the environment in an unchanged form for many decades,
are termed as:

  1. Slow-degradable pollutants.
  2. Non-degradable pollutants.
  3. Soil pollutants.
  4. None of the above.
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Ans: 2. Non-degradable pollutants.

Q14.In pregnant women who have the habit of smoking, the increased co level in blood may induce harmful effects

  1. Premature birth.
  2. Spontaneous abortions.
  3. Deformed babies.
  4. All of these.
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Ans: 4. All of these.

Q15. Which of the following is not a component of photochemical smog?

  1. Ozone.
  2. Acrolein.
  3. Peroxy acetyl nitrate.
  4. CFC (Chlorofluoro carbon).
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Ans: 4. CFC (Chlorofluoro carbon).

Q16. Freon gas causing stratospheric ozone depletion is released mainly from:

  1. Refrigerator.
  2. Automobile.
  3. Thermal power plant.
  4. Steel industry.
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Ans: 1. Refrigerator.

Q17. Which of the following is responsible for damaging Taj Mahal and other monuments near Agra?

  1. SO2
  2. NO2
  3. Industrial pollutants
  4. All of these
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Ans: 4. All of these

Q18. Which of the following practices will not come under green chemistry?

  1. If possible, making use of soap made of vegetable oils instead of using synthetic detergents.
  2. Using H O for bleaching purpose instead of using chlorine based bleaching agents.
  3. Using bicycle for travelling small distances instead of using petrol/ diesel based vehicles.
  4. Using plastic cans for storing substances.
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Ans: 4. Using plastic cans for storing substances.

Q19. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas for human beings because:

  1. It binds to haemoglobin to form stable compound.
  2. It is carcinogenic in nature.
  3. It induces the chance of heart attack.
  4. It affects nervous system fatally.
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Ans: 1. It binds to haemoglobin to form stable compound.

CO is highly poisonous to living beings because it binds to haemoglobin to form carboxyhaemoglobin complex, which is about 300
times more stable than the oxygen-haemoglobin complex.

Q20. Which of the following pollutant(s) catalyse(s) the oxidation of sulphur dioxide to sulphur trioxide?

  1. Particulate matter.
  2. CO2 .
  3. NO2 .
  4. All of these.
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Ans: 1. Particulate matter

Q21. Which type of smog occur in warm, dry and sunny climate?

  1. Classical smog.
  2. Normal smog.
  3. Photochemical smog.
  4. None of these.
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Ans: 3. Photochemical smog.

Q22. Which of the following statements about photochemical smog is wrong?

  1. It has high concentration of oxidising agents.
  2. It has low concentration of oxidising agent.
  3. It can be controlled by controlling the release of NO , hydrocarbons, ozone etc.
  4. Plantation of some plants like pinus helps in controlling photochemical smog.
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Ans: 2. It has low concentration of oxidising agent.

Q23. Which one of the following statements is/ are incorrect regarding photochemical smog?

  1. CO does not play any role in photochemical smog formation.
  2. Photochemical smog is an oxidising agent in character.
  3. Photochemical smog is formed through photochemical reaction involving solar energy.
  4. Photochemical smog does not cause irritation in eyes and throat.
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Ans: 4. Photochemical smog does not cause irritation in eyes and throat.

Q24. In Antarctica, Ozone depletion is due to formation of the following compound:

  1. Acrolein.
  2. Peroxy acetyl nitrate.
  3. HCHO.
  4. Chlorine nitrate.
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Ans: 4. Chlorine nitrate.

Q25. Which of the following atmospheric layer contains clouds, water vapour and air?

  1. Stratosphere.
  2. Troposphere.
  3. Mesosphere.
  4. All of these.
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Ans: 2. Troposphere.

Q26. Which of the following process is/ are used to check the amount of oxygen required by bacteria to breakdown the
organic matter present in a certain volume of water?

  1. BOD.
  2. DO.
  3. COD.
  4. Both (a) and (b).
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Ans: 1. BOD.

Q27. Which of the following is sink for CO?

  1. Microorganisms present in soil.
  2. Oceans.
  3. Plants.
  4. Haemoglobin.
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Ans: 1. Microorganisms present in soil.

Micro-organisms convert CO to CO which changes into carbonates.

Q28. Which of the following is not a viable particulate?

  1. Bacteria.
  2. Fungi.
  3. Moulds.
  4. Mist.
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Ans: 4. Mist.

The viable particulates are minute living organisms like bacteria, fungi and moulds.

Q29. Oxidizing smog includes:

  1. Normal smog.
  2. Photochemical smog.
  3. Classical smog.
  4. Both (a) and (b)
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Ans: 2. Photochemical smog.

Q30. Which of the following is/ are most serious disease causing agent found in polluted water?

  1. Chemical pollutants.
  2. Organic wastes.
  3. Pathogens.
  4. Both (a) and (b).
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Ans: 3. Pathogens.


The most serious water pollutants are the disease causing agents, called pathogens. Pathogens include bacteria and other organisms
that enter into water from domestic sewage and animal excreta.