Respiration In Plants

Q1. During which stage, in the complete oxidation of glucose are the greatest number of ATP molecules
formed from ADP.

  1. Glycolysis.
  2. Krebs cycle.
  3. Conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl Co-A.
  4. Electron transport chain.
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Ans: 4. Electron transport chain.

Q2. Which is the end product of glycolysis?

  1. Phosphoglyceraldehyde or PGAL.
  2. NADPH.
  3. Pyruvic Acid.
  4. Oxaloacetic acid.
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Ans: 3. Pyruvic Acid.

Q3. R.Q is ratio of:

  1. CO produced to substrate consumed.
  2. CO produced to O consumed.
  3. Oxygen consumed to CO produced.
  4. Oxygen consumed to water produced.
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Ans: 2. CO produced to O consumed.

Q4. Respiratory substrate yielding maximum number of ATP molecule is:

  1. Ketogenic amino acids.
  2. Glucose.
  3. Amylose.
  4. Glycogena.
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Ans: 2. Glucose.

Q5. Which of the following is produced by fermentation?

  1. Vinegar.
  2. Slice bread.
  3. Idli.
  4. All of the above.
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Ans: 4. All of the above.

Q6. Link between glycolysis, Krebs cycle and poxidation of fatty acid or carbohydrate and fat metabolism

  1. Oxaloacetic acid.
  2. Succinic acid.
  3. Citric acid.
  4. Acetyl Co-A
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Ans: 4. Acetyl Co-A.

Q7. Which of the following exhibits the highest rate of respiration?

  1. Growing shoot apex.
  2. Germinating seed.
  3. Root tip.
  4. Leaf bud.
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Ans: 2. Germinating seed.

Germinating seeds have the highest rate of respiration. As soon as the water is imbibed by seeds, hydrolytic enzymes come into
action and mobilize the reserve food materials so the seeds show high metabolic activity and germinate into a tiny plant. All these
activities require energy, which is derived from increased rate of respiration.

Q8. Terminal cytochrome of respiratory chain which donates electrons to oxygen is:

  1. cyt. b
  2. cyt. c
  3. cyt. a1
  4. cyt.-a3
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Ans: 4.cyt.-a3

Q9. Malacophily means.

  1. Pollination by wind.
  2. Pollination by water.
  3. Pollination by insects.
  4. Pollination by snails.
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Ans: 4. Pollination by snails.

Q10. TCA cycle was discovered by:

  1. Otto Meyerhof.
  2. Hans Kreb.
  3. Gustav Embden.
  4. All of these.
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Ans: 2. Hans Kreb.

TCA cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle was given by Hans Kreb. So it is also called as Kreb cycle.

Q11. The final electron acceptor in electron transport chain is:

  1. Cytochrome C
  2. FADH
  3. NADH
  4. Oxygen
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Ans: 4. Oxygen
Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor in electron transport chain.

Q12. Connecting link between glycolysis and Krebs cycle is (before entering Krebs cycle pyruvate changed

  1. Oxaloacetate.
  2. PEP.
  3. Pyruvate.
  4. Acetyl Co-A.
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Ans: 4. Acetyl Co-A.

Q13. Which of the following processes make direct use of oxygen?

  1. Electron transport.
  2. Fermentation.
  3. Citric acid cycle.
  4. None of these.
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Ans: 1. Electron transport.

Q14. Connecting link between glycolysis and Krebs cycle is/ before entering Krebs cycle pyruvate is changed

  1. Phosphoenol pyruvate.
  2. Oxaloacetate.
  3. Pyruvate.
  4. Acetyl CoA.
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Ans: 4. Acetyl CoA.

Q15. Life without air would be.

  1. Reductional.
  2. Free from oxidative damage.
  3. Impossible.
  4. Anaerobic.
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Ans: 4. Anaerobic.

Q16. EMP can produce a total of:

  1. 6 ATP
  2. 8 ATP
  3. 24 ATP
  4. 38 ATP
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Ans: 2. 8 ATP

Q17. One molecule of glucose yields _ ATP molecules in aerobic respiration.

  1. 2
  2. 16
  3. 38
  4. 42
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Ans: 3. 38
One molecule of glucose yields 38 molecules of ATP during aerobic respiration.

Q18. In animal cells, the first stage of glucose break down is:

  1. Krebs cycle.
  2. Glycolysis.
  3. Oxidative phosphorylation.
  4. ETC
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Ans: 2. Glycolysis.

Q19. Oxidative phosphorylation is production of.

  1. ATP in photosynthesis.
  2. NADPH in photosynthesis.
  3. ATP in respiration.
  4. NADH in respiration.
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Ans: 3. ATP in respiration.

Q20. Pyruvic acid enters TCA cycle in the form of:

  1. Acetyl CoA.
  2. Succinyl CoA.
  3. Citirc acid.
  4. Malic acid.
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Ans: 1. Acetyl CoA.

Q21. Final electron acceptor in oxidative phosphorylation is:

  1. Oxygen.
  2. Hydrogen.
  3. Cytochrome.
  4. None of these.
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Ans: 1. Oxygen.

Q22. Amino acids are mostly synthesized from.

  1. Mineral salts.
  2. Fatty acids.
  3. Volatile acids.
  4. A-ketoglutaric acid.
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Ans: 4. A-ketoglutaric acid.

Q23. What is the end product of glycolysis of a glucose molecule.

  1. Pyruvate and ATP.
  2. Phosphoglyceraldehyde.
  3. Lactic acid and ATP.
  4. Fructose 1, 6-diphosphate.
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Ans: 3. Pyruvate and ATP.

Q24. How much energy is produced after respiration of one molecule of glucose?

  1. 576 kcal.
  2. 674 kcal.
  3. 768 kcal.
  4. 467 kcal.
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Ans: 2. 674 kcal.

Q25. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis in the chloroplast and mitochondria is based on.

  1. Membrane potential.
  2. Accumulation of Na ions.
  3. Accumulation of K ions.
  4. Proton gradient.
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Ans: 4. Proton gradient.

Q26. Herkogamy is a contrivance for:

  1. Allogamy.
  2. Autogamy.
  3. Chasmogamy.
  4. Cleistogamy.
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Ans: 1. Allogamy.

Q27. Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis in the chloroplasts and mitochondria is based on:

  1. Accumulation of Na ions.
  2. Membrane potential.
  3. None of these.
  4. Proton gradient.
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Ans: 4. Proton gradient.

Q28. Which of the following is an important intermediate found in all the types of respiration?

  1. Tricarboxylic acid.
  2. Pyruvic acid.
  3. Acetyl CoA.
  4. Oxaloacetate.
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Ans: 2. Pyruvic acid.

Q29. In glycolysis, during oxidation electrons are removed by.

  1. ATP.
  2. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.
  3. NAD+
  4. Molecular oxygen.
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Ans: 2. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

Q30. ATP is injected in cyanide poisoning because it is:

  1. Necessary for cellular functions.
  2. Necessary for Na -K+ pump.
  3. Na -K+ pump operates at the cell membranes.
  4. ATP breaks down cyanide.
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Ans: 1. Necessary for cellular functions.