We help students of class 1 to 10 in preparation of NSO exam and courses through sample question and practice papers.
About National Science Olympiad (NSO)
NSO is conducted at two levels:
Level 1: The first level of the exams organized in the respective schools of the participants during school hours only.
- The level 1 exam is an objective-type test having duration of 60 minutes and comprising 35 objective-type questions for classes’ 1 to 4 and 50 objective-type questions for classes 5 to 12.
- The exam consists of three sections for classes 1 to 10:
Section-1: Logical Reasoning
Section-2: Science
Section-3: Achievers Section
Level 2: The level 2 is conducted for students of classes 3 to12. The qualifiers to second round would include the following:
- Top 5% of candidates class wise that appear for the 1st level exam. Due weightage to marks scored in different sections will be given. Each section is accorded with a separate weightage.
- Zone wise top 25 rank holders class wise.
- Class topper where at least 10 students from a class appear in the exam & have scored 50% qualifying marks.