JEE Main II registration 2019: The online registration process will begin on February 8. The entrance examinations is scheduled to be conducted from April 6 to 20, 2019

JEE Main II registration 2019: The online application process for the Joint Entrance (JEE Main) April examinations will begin from February 8. The registration process will be available for candidates from February 8 to March 7, 2019.
The candidates who want to apply can do so through the official website — The entrance examinations will be conducted from April 6 to 20, 2019. The results will be declared on April 30, 2019. The admit cards will be available to download from March 18, 2019.
JEE Main II registration: How to apply
Step 1: Visit the official website,
Step 2: Click on ‘online application process link’
Step 3: Submit all the necessary details as required
Step 4: Click on ‘Submit’
Step 5: Once the application process completed, download it, and take a print out for further reference.
JEE Main II registration 2019: Syllabus
1. Physics
This section will include questions on general topics, gaseous and liquid states, atomic structure and chemical bonding, energetics, chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, solid state, solutions, surface chemistry and nuclear chemistry. In will also include the general topics, mechanics, thermal physics, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics.
2. Inorganic Chemistry
This section will contain questions on isolation/preparation and properties of non-metals, preparation and properties of compounds, transition elements (3D series), ores and minerals, extractive metallurgy and principles of quality analysis.
3. Organic chemistry
This section will include questions on concepts, reparation/properties/reactions of alkanes/alkynes, reactions of benzene, phenols, characteristic reactions, carbohydrates, amino acids and peptides, properties and uses of important polymers and practical organic chemistry.
4. Mathematics:
This section will include questions on algebra, trigonometry, analytical geometry, differential calculus, integral calculus and vectors.
JEE Main 2019: Eligibility
Educational qualifications: The candidates need to clear plus two examination with Science as a stream (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) and 50 per cent marks.
Application fee
JEE Main Paper-I or Paper-II
The candidates (boys)(General/ OBC) category have to pay an application fee of Rs 500, While reserve category candidates and girls have to pay an application fee of Rs 250.
JEE Main Paper-I and II
For both the papers, the general/ OBC category candidates have to pay an application fee of Rs 1300, while Rs 650 for reserve category candidates and girls.
Source Website-indianexpress
Uploaded: February 4, 2019